Refund and Return Policy


At FDN Global Trade LLC, customer satisfaction is important to us. Our return and refund policy is as follows:

1. Return Conditions:
You can return your products within [14 days] of delivery.
Returned products must be in their original packaging, unused, and undamaged.
2. Refund:
Once the returned products are inspected, your refund will be processed within [5-7 business days].
Refunds will be made to your original payment method. Shipping costs are not included in the refund.
3. Damaged or Defective Products:
If you receive a damaged or defective product upon delivery, please take photos of the product and contact our customer service. In this case, the return shipping cost will be covered by FDN Global Trade LLC.
4. Return Process:
To ensure the smooth handling of your return, please contact customer service before returning your products, pack them securely, and send them to the specified address. Don’t forget to include your order number to expedite the process.

Return Policy for Flammable and Hazardous Products


At FDN Global Trade LLC, we prioritize the safety of our customers and comply with legal obligations. Therefore, returns of flammable and hazardous products are not accepted under the following conditions:

1. Flammable and Hazardous Products:
Flammable liquids, gases, chemicals, explosives, and other hazardous products fall under this category.
These products are classified as dangerous goods under national and international transportation regulations.
2. Return Prohibition:
Flammable and hazardous products cannot be returned due to safety and legal reasons.
Once the sale is completed, such products cannot be returned under any circumstances.
3. Special Circumstances:
In cases of incorrect shipments or damaged delivery of flammable and hazardous products, please contact our customer service for guidance on safe disposal or appropriate handling.
Refunds or exchanges in these cases may only be provided in accordance with legal requirements and safety protocols.
4. Customer Responsibility:
By purchasing flammable and hazardous products, customers acknowledge that these products are non-returnable.
The purchase of these products signifies that the customer agrees to follow safety instructions for their use and storage.

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